FurryBall CarPaint

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Similar parameters like Mental Ray Car paint

Special glossy Material with 2x Specular, 1x Flake specular and 1x Reflection

Beta version  - will be updated



Ambient light component. - For physically correct materials leave on black

Base Color

Base diffuse color of the material.

Edge Color

Color seen at glancing angles (i.e. edges) which tend to appear much darker. For really deep metallic paints seen on sports cars it tends to be almost black.

Edge Color Bias

Defines the falloff rate of the color towards the edge. The useful range is 0.0 to approximately 10.0, where the value 0.0 turns the effect off. Higher values makes the edge region narrower, lower values makes it wider.

Lit Color

Color seen in the area facing the lightsource.

Lit Color Bias

Defines the falloff rate of the color towards the light. The useful range is 0.0 to approximately 10.0, where the value 0.0 turns the effect off. Higher values makes the colored region facing the light smaller/narrower, lower values makes it larger/wider.

Diffuse Weight

Controls the overall level of the diffuse parameters.

Diffuse Bias

Modifies the falloff of the diffuse shading. The useful range is approximately 0.5 to 2.0, where 1.0 represent standard lambertian shading, higher values pushes the diffuse peak towards the light source, and lower values flattens the diffuse peak.

Intensity multipliers

Direct Intensity

Intensity multiplier for direct diffuse light. (Diffuse from light)

Indirect Intensity

Intensity multiplier for received indirect diffuse ray

Bump Mapping

Bump Mapping

Bump2d node connection.


In the modern Pathtracing there is much more used Specular reflections instead of "classical"old Reflection.


Reflection color


Weight of reflection.


Reflection roughness. Value of 0 will create sharp reflection, Value of 1 totally blurred.



Refraction Color.


Transparency weight.

Refraction index

Ray refraction index. Example values: 1 - air, 1.33 - water, 1.3 - ice, 1.5 - glass, 2.42 - diamond.


Represents blurriness of refraction.

Thickness Coef

Simulates thickness of surface. If leaved at 0, mesh will render as fully-filled.

Shadow Attenuation

Simulates caustics for shadow rays.

IOR Fresnel

When enabled, Specular Fresnel is calculated from refraction index, leaving reflectance at normal attribute unused.

Exit Color

Exit color is used when refraction ray depth is exceeded. You can specify some color or you can use environment background.

Use Environment

If selected, environment map is used.


You can specify exit color.

Toroid with transparent material with refraction ray depth set to 2.

Left image: black exit color (default), center image: red exit color, right image: use background

Advanced Parameters

Alpha Mask Mipmap Fix

If selected, alpha mask mipmaps will be generated using an alternative filter. This can help with disappearance of distant thin masked objects (such as foliage).

Solid Alpha

Transparent objects are solid in alpha in default. You can received partly non-solid alpha here.

Texture Has Alpha

If this texture is used as a transparency map then FurryBall tries to recognize if this texture has an alpha channel (auto check from texture). The "yes" and "no" options override this detection manually.

Alpha mask

Alpha mask can be used for cutting geometry controlled by texture.


Color or texture for alpha mask.


Threshold for alpha mask. Sampled point with alpha attribute lower then this threshold don't be displayed.


Velvet Strenght

Intensity of velvet applied to surfaces with this material. If non-zero special velvet shader is activated. This effect adds "velvet' color to object silhouettes. Reacts to diffuse lights.

Velvet Bias

Bias normals so that velvet is applied further inside from the silhouettes.

Velvet Color

The velvet color.



Enable matte rendering in Beauty pass (with selected color)


Color for Matte pass


Opacity for Beauty pass only (Affected alpha pass ONLY)