Tutorial 10: Fluids


FurryBall is able to render most of the Maya Fluids, although there are some restrictions and not everything is 1:1 with integrated Maya Renderers.

Tutorial: Common

Step 1: Preparations

We will use prepared fluid from the Maya Visor.

    1. Window -> General Editors -> Visor, then select Fluid Examples -> Fire, and right click on the Flame.ma and select Import Maya File Flame.ma

Render scene in FurryBall

    1. Renderer -> FurryBall -> Default

Step 2: Number of Samples

We will use prepared fluid from the Maya Visor. What you get is not good. You have to add increase the number of samples.

Step 2: Basic Shading

FurryBall implements most of options from the Shading tab in FluidNode. You can use it as usual. Select Shading. Supported Options are:

Color, Incandescence and Opacity Ramps should be working as you know from Maya and should provide same results as built in Maya renderers.

Matte Opacity Has special usage in FurryBall. See Fluid Depth Pass.

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