Light Node


With some special effects FurryBall supports there is the need to let the user change and tune some custom parameters. Light Node is another settings node in FurryBall, it is connected directly to a light shape and adds several new attributes used for shadows mainly.

To be able to use attributes described below a light node has to be attached to a light you want to adjust settings for. To attach light node to a light, just select the light(s) and select 'Add Light Attributes' from the main FurryBall menu. There is always a 'New' menu item and a list of existing light nodes in the submenu, so you can create and attach a new light node or attach an existing one that is already used elsewhere. See User Interface section for more details on other settings nodes.

Special FurryBall attributes are currently needed for all supported types of light (i.e. ambient light, directional light, point light and spot light), but not all attributes are usable for all light types.


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